Sunday 22 April 2012

Learning About the Power of Positive Affirmations

Learning About the Power of Positive Affirmations.
If you're interested in finding out more about creating your own destiny, check out the following by Dr. Robert Anthony - the Secret of Deliberate Creation. Click here to check it out.

Dr Anthony says the following as an introduction to his life changing course...

'In short, in the world of Quantum Physics - thoughts (positive or negative) attract their equivalent or vibrational match. Think good thoughts attract good things. Think bad, negative or needy thoughts and you’ll attract bad, negativity and need.
Because, whatever you focus on with intensity and emotion will set the Universe in motion to bring that into your life.
Emotion is a key there. Most of us send out far stronger emotional signals about the things we don't want than those we do want.
And that’s normal. It’s how you and I are wired and it takes very deliberate thinking to overcome our emotional hard-wiring.
But thankfully, it can be done.

 Conscious and Subconscious Alignment

Your Conscious desires and your Subconscious intention must be in alignment.
If your Conscious Mind wants one thing and your Subconscious Mind wants something else (counter-intention) it is impossible to create what you truly want.
Sure, you can temporarily trick yourself into getting something while you are out of alignment, but in the end it never lasts.
For instance…
Maybe you get a new job but soon you’re right back where you were before –barely scraping by and miserable.
Or maybe you stumble into some money or even create some money through a side business. But soon it too disappears. You chalk it up to the cliché: “easy come easy go.”
But I’m here to tell you, that’s a lie! The Truth is it’s just as easy to keep whatever you get once you are in alignment.
Doesn’t this idea of alignment explain a lot of the ups and owns in your life?
Listen, I’ve been studying this idea for the last 30 years and I can tell you science is teaching us more and more every day about the relationship between our conscious and sub-conscious minds.
That’s why it is critical that whomever you decide to get your manifestation and self-improvement ideas from knows how to apply this tidal wave of new information.
You must choose a teacher that can separate scientific fact from scientific opinion. You need someone, like me, who gets excited about combing through page after page of scientific studies and journals for any little insight that others might miss.
Just sharing these ideas with you gets me excited. There’s so much I want to share with you…'

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